Thought Pollution

Real meaning of pollution sages had described long back:

अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत
Excess of anything is prohibited

Pollution actually means something which is in excess; be it sound or smoke or anything else; simply because it breaks the equilibrium of the nature. If life giving gas - Oxygen's percentage in the environment is increased from normal 21% to 50%, it would break the equilibrium of universe and thus it's a pollution. It would definitely have severe impact on various operations of the world. If there are more men around than women, symmetry of the world would be lost thus its a pollution as well.

Same way, when mind is bombarded with thoughts one after another, its a pollution. It is Pollution of Thoughts.

Confusion & Chaos result when one is suffering from pollution of thoughts. Interesting phenomenon is: no one knows where the thoughts come from. Its like a river, one cannot stop it from flowing but one can control its flow by building a dam around it.

Quality of one's life depend on: what kind of thought one acts upon and what kind of thoughts one ignores. One do not have any control over the origination of thoughts but one has full access to the actions which a thought propels. All actions are originated from thoughts and this intelligence of choosing to act on healthy thoughts and ignoring the unhealthy ones, is the key to direct the life stream in meaningful manner.


Abhishek Kindled forever said...

topic bada mast hai bhai..

santro said...

nice analogy man..really mast topic